Thursday 18 August 2016


Hye my love :) 
Here I have something to say to you ...
That is I love you so much.. Even we always fight and fight and sometime we're broke up, I will never can to hate you. You know why??? Because you the only guy that I want to be leader one day till jannah... I hope you feel like that too.. From now on anything no matter happen I will always love and love and love you till jannah.. In shaa Allah.. 
Sayang.. Please don't leave me kay.. I need you.. I accept you whoever you are.. 

Thursday 28 July 2016


Assalamualaikum, dah bertahun ni tak post :D
Emm citer baru ada banyak... First, my relationship still okay until now, alhamdulillah..
Sekarang zaman universiti dah.. Zaman sekolah dah berlalu.. How do I feel now? Huhhhh rindu gilaa zaman sekolah :'(
Tudia laa masa duk sekolah tak sabar sabar nak habis sekolah.. Sekarang bila dah tak bersekolah, rindu la pulak.. Makin hari makin dewasa.. Makin lama makin banyak pengalaman.. And makin mendewasakan diri.. Em.. nak story sikit about my relationship.. hehehe.. Actually tak pernah pun terfikir boleh kekal sampai harini.. Even banyak kali bergaduh and sometime sampai break up.. But in shaa Allah jodoh tu ada.. AMIN..
Next story is nak story pasal experience hidup dekat U ni.. Agak mencabar la.. Sapa kata student diploma boleh relax.. Kadang sibuk jugak oiii... Lepastu, terpaksa hidup jauh dari family pulak kan.. Perghh memang mencabar habis laa.. HOMESICK namati... Kadang tu berair mata jugak la.. Hahaha.. Normal la kan.. Tapi satu ja matlamat dekat sini.. Bukan untuk cari kebabasan ka pakwe ka apa, tapi nak cari ilmu yang manfaat untuk diri sendiri dan berjaya untuk mak abah.
Emm.. letih dah menaip.. Story banyak lagi tapi nanti nanti laa.. hehehe..
Fais Naim, I Love You
my love

Saturday 24 January 2015


Here we are again.. fuhh! lama nya tk post ni... hahaha.. rindu woo.. Btw, this year aku SPM laaa.. adoiii.. takut la plak.. apapon kena lalui jugak la.. hope sangat sangat kawan kawan aku pon success,, emm,, no hot story this years.. :D

Sunday 8 April 2012


Here my new me. Aku delete semua post yg lama. Coz tahun niy aku dah jmpa tmn hidup yg baru. Dy spotting, caring and sayang aku. Tue yg pnting. Kalau boleh story dlm blog ni tentang  aku dan "dia" . I hope our relationship will never end until the end of my life. ILOVEYOUSOMUCH HONEY <3